Saturday, May 12, 2012

First Dress Fitting

So yesterday was my first dress fitting, it wasn't supposed to be until I got off of work at around 11 last night (a close friend is making my dress) but to my surprise when I got to work at 3 she came running up towards me with part of my dress to try on in the DQ bathroom.. not exactly what I had in mind lol, but she wanted to make sure it would be ready for later that night. This fitting was to determine the placement of the skirt the whole top of the dress is done minus the "prettying" details but in order to move forward and finish it before the end of the month she needed to place the skirt, after about 4 hours of work and repeated re try-ons it was 3 a.m. and we had gotten all we could get done at that point in time. My next fitting is the last friday of the month and it will also be the try on with the full completed dress :) I am so excited and even more excited since she took my measurements in December since then she had to sinch in the top an extra inch, and we still even had to sinch it in even more. I am pretty sure if she has to alter that part much more she won't be too thrilled lol! So maybe I should cut back on my crazy working out. lol :)

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