Monday, February 13, 2012

Memory Lane

Scott and I have been getting rid of a lot of stuff to make room for new things we are registering for. In the middle of all of our clutter I found a scrapbook I made for Scott of senior year here were some of the pages, there are a lot more and I just wanted to share some of the fun ones
 These were from homecoming week, Scott and I on the float, and at the dance is the one on the right. (before we were dating he asked me to the dance :) and the bottom picture is him and two good friends
 Fun pictures of us, the two top ones were us slaking off during newspaper, and the bottom is from the talent show that Scott as in. (dressing matching was accidental)
 The top was Halloween 2007, and the bottom was his thank you speech for Mr. Tiger
 Our senior prom we were both on prom court, I won queen with one of our good friends
 And at graduation, we were walking partners! :)


  1. I just realized that the colors I used in this scrapbook almost 4 years ago are our wedding colors! :)
